The People's Radio

The People's Radio@peoplesradio

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Season 1 episodes (10)

On Wearables and Necro-Ornithology

On Wearables and Necro-Ornithology

Griff gets the lowdown on Tom’s experience with the Apple Watch, we learn about Ross’ flowcharts for accessory propriety, and the team covers more than you’d ever want to know about the art and science of dealing with dead birds.

On Stan Lee Eating a Banana

On Stan Lee Eating a Banana

The team reviews the canonical list of band names and attempts to recall the particulars of the Star Trek film franchise with limited success.

On Maker Faire and Drive Nova Scotia

On Maker Faire and Drive Nova Scotia

Tom recounts his adventures at Maker Faire, and Jon gives us an exclusive update on what’s in store for the next episode of Drive Nova Scotia.

On the Sexcapades of K. Ross Chapman

On the Sexcapades of K. Ross Chapman

We chat briefly about the coming apocalypse before turning to the topic at hand: Ross’ recent adventures in extramarital encounters of the female persuasion. This week features special guest Jon Woodman!

On the Sociology of Wingmanship

On the Sociology of Wingmanship

Ross takes us on a guided tour of the past and present foibles of young love from the perspective of the faithful third wheel.

On Coming Attractions and the Last Son of Krypton

On Coming Attractions and the Last Son of Krypton

May the Fourth be with you! We open with The Force Awakens alongside a brief recap of the week’s most tantalizing trailers, followed by an in-depth treatise on the nature—and narrative value—of superhumanity.

On Molson, Jingles, and Vintage Beer

On Molson, Jingles, and Vintage Beer

Ross and Griff delight in the unique flavours of Molson Canadian while we talk about advertising earworms and the storied lineage of Schrödinger’s Beer.

On Theatre and Improv

On Theatre and Improv

Our hosts discuss the vagaries of memory in the context of improvised and scripted performance.